
Some of the brands we work with


Apparel Screen Printing and Embroidery.
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    All Work Done In-House
    Permatex is fully optimized for mobile devices,
    laptops and desktops.

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    On Time and Budget
    Permatex is fully optimized for mobile devices,
    laptops and desktops.

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    ASI Decorator
    Permatex is fully optimized for mobile devices,
    laptops and desktops.

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    A Domestic Company
    Permatex is fully optimized for mobile devices,
    laptops and desktops.

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    Socially Compliant Company
    Permatex is fully optimized for mobile devices,
    laptops and desktops.

Decorator# 90093

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    Some of the industries we serve












    Non Profits

    An all-around, well built, clean & modern WordPress theme for all your corporate or personal needs.





    Health Care

    Some of our work


    Where are you located?

    We are located in the New York Metro area. More specifically Little Falls, NJ.

    How long will my orders take?

    Over the past 20+ years we have prided ourselves in getting projects done within our clients time frame. Being that we are local to the NY Metro market we can control many variables including shipping.

    How do I know my project will be done correctly?

    Being that we control all processes under the same roof we have a higher probability of getting your project done correctly the first time. From your initial order to packaging your apparel for shipment we handle it all.

    Do you provide the apparel?

    We can provide the apparel for you or you can provide it. The choice is yours.

    What guidelines should I follow when providing artwork?

    For Screen Printing: If you are providing your artwork in a ‘pixel’ format (EPS, TIF, PSD) the ideal resolution would be 300 DPI at full size. We cannot use GIF format or any other web resolution (72 DPI) artwork for screen printing, but we may be able to help you re-create your low resolution artwork for a fee.
    For best results with spot color artwork, use ‘vector’ art formats (AI & EPS). Acrobat PDF files may be an acceptable format but artwork in a Word Document or PowerPoint file will usually have to be re-created.
    Remember for best results always save the file in the original program it was created in. Try to avoid placing artwork from one program into another unless you include the original files as well.
    For Embroidery: We can often use lower resolution artwork (i.e. 72 DPI) but embroidery does have it’s limitations on what can be done. Fonts often need to be a bit beefier in order to be legible and color gradients are very hard to reproduce accurately.

    Do you provide packaging services?

    Yes, we provide garment packaging solutions. Please let us know the scope of your job and we will be happy to give you a quote.

    What are your payment terms?

    We require 50% upon order submission and the remaining 50% prior to shipping. Credit terms are subject to management approval.

    Do you have a published price list?

    From Our President

    Starting in December of 1995, we have built Sun-Tees as a recognized and reliable name brand decorator through trusted service, competitive pricing, and being pro-active to an always changing marketplace.

    Our mission statement is Get it done for you! As the President, my aim is to continue to grow to satisfy our valued clients ever changing needs and requirements. Client loyalty and satisfaction has proven to be the winning formula for success. With this in mind we look forward to continue relations with our current clients and await the opportunity to service and support new ones as well.

    Ron Cahill
